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Hydrate To Feel Great

How much water do you drink during the day? Your body needs somewhere around 3 liters of water today just to keep normal body processes functioning well. You can get up to 1 liter of water from the food you eat each day, depending on what you eat. So, that means you need a minimum of 2 liters of water per day. This does not include water loss from exercise. When you exercise, you will need to drink more.

This might make you have to visit the bathroom a little more, but you will feel a lot better physically! You may find that you may even have less need for caffeinated beverages.

Remember this line: Hydrate to feel great.

If you are ever not feeling great. Start drinking water first! Dehydrating can be the cause of headaches, weakness, fatigue, and so much more. Your body will thank you when you keep yourself hydrated enough!

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